Important Notice:
This is to inform that the Prime Minister of Malaysia has announced on 16/3/2020 that due to the spread of Covid19, all religious places are not to have any gatherings. The CMCO now has been extended to 9th June 2020 until further notice.
The church services at our premises are cancelled during this time and we are having our services Online. We will resume our Sunday Services once our Government has given the permission and provides us the SOPs to comply to resume church gatherings when the time comes. As such, if you would like to contact the Church during this time for any concerns, or prayer, etc or you would like to join our online services you are welcome to do so by filling the contact form below or contact:
Online Church Services via Zoom
Pastor Ebenezer David – 012-674 5081
Sis Regina Ebenezer – 012-241 1781
English: Prayer Meet: Tues – 8pm, Thurs – 6pm, Sat – 8pm
Main Service: Sun – 11am
Tamil: Prayer Meet: Mon – 8pm, Wed – 6pm, Fri- 8pm
Main Service: Sun – 9am
Prayer and Counselling
Pastor Joseph John – 012-204 0156
Be encouraged that God is in Control of all things and that He Loves You & He Cares for You!
Church Services
Tentatively our services in our church premises are cancelled, however our Online Services are on going. Please contact us (above) for the details.
English Family Service – 11.30am Sundays
Tamil Family Service – 8:30am Sundays
Healing Service – 8:00pm Wednesdays
Mission of the Church
The Church is an extension of God’s LOVE to the world.
Video Highlights
Worship God Only by Rev. Ebenezer David
Power Praise Kids Church
The Power Praise Kids Church (PPKC) is a powerful children’s ministry which started since 1998. Our Vision is to reach out to children of all ages. We share the gospel of Jesus Christ and help them grow in relationship with God and the ministry.
Our aim is to provide a safe, secure and loving environment for kids where parents feel comfortable leaving their child. In this encouraging environment, your child will learn, play, explore, laugh, grow and feel loved. PPKC is held for kids every Saturday – 10:30am. Lunch is provided. To know more about PPKC, click here or call Sis. Vanitha Joseph: 012-2040157.
Christian Counseling for Women
“She is more precious than rubies” Proverbs 3:15
If you’re having trouble dealing with certain situations or emotions, you might find counseling to be a helpful way of finding God’s solutions to life’s problems. Come see us. Jesus is the answer. Call Sis. Vanitha Joseph: 012-2040157.
Reach Out To Us
When you are overwhelmed with health problems, bad news, or relationship struggles, the Word of God can be your source of supernatural help. Don’t give up! God promises greater things in store – a future filled with promise and hope!
Fill the form below, and we will be in touch with you as soon as we can.